BOURNE'S COMPENSATION & FAMILY LAWYERS               •            02 4384 5777

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Aron Bourne is the Principal of Bourne’s Lawyers.

Aron is a Senior Solicitor having been admitted to practice in 1991. After 15 years as both an employed Solicitor and in Partnership Aron opened his own practice in 2005. Aron has 20 years experience in Family Law and De Facto law matters, with 15 years experience in Litigation Claims, Motor Accident matters, Wills and Estates and Contested Wills and Estates. Aron has a greater than 99% success rate in litigations claims and a greater than 99% success rate in contested estates. He also has a long list of satisfied family law clients.

Please feel free to telephone Aron for an obligation free discussion about your case and for a full disclosure of our fee structure and/or a quote in relation to our costs.